Easy $100.00 for the working example

Dave Tee wildrov at BELLSOUTH.NET
Wed May 18 23:16:07 EDT 2005

Greetings All,
  I have been banging my head againest the desk now for 2 weeks and all I
have is a lot of frustrution to show for it.  I am sure for some one that
knows what they are doing....it is a pretty easy task.  I feel pretty sure
that after seeing a working example I will pick right up on it.....but I
can not seem to get there. So I am offering $100.00 paypal to the first
one that gives me a working example of an GeoTiff and a raster with Lat
and long display.

I will supply both shots.

I can supply lat and long of the corners for both.

I can supply m/pixel for both.

To take the money I need a working example of both with Lat and Long
displayed from the mouse over.

Payment is yours as soon as I have it running on my server. (Happily I
might add!!!)

All I need is a method of contact.


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