Progress bar didn't stop in FireFox and Netscape

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Sun May 22 06:35:17 PDT 2005

What are you using as a client application? Mapserver is just a server.
Are you using something like the Itasca demo?

Try looking in the javascript window of Firefox (Tools->Javascript
console), this probably has something to do with a javscript error.

Best regards,

On Sun, 22 May 2005 14:48:10 +0200, beny santoso <beny.santoso at GMAIL.COM>

> Hi all,
> My application (using mapserver) running well when i browse with IE
> and Opera. But in FireFox and Netscape, progress bar didn't stop when
> process finish. Then maptool (zoom, pan etc) didn't work.
> Any help? Thank's
> Regards,
> Beny

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