Legend broken in 4.6.0beta2

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 26 18:03:11 PDT 2005

Hi list,
 I am trying out MapServer 4.6.0beta2, windows binaries downloaded from 
Maptools.org <http://Maptools.org>, CGI, on Windows Server 2003.
 I have MapServer 4.4.2 working fine on the same machine, no problems with 
my website.
 Switching directly to 4.6, changing nothing else, my dynamic HTML legend 
(which also controls the layer states) is no longer being created.
 4.6 is not replacing the [legend] parameter with the code for the legend as 
happens with previous versions of MapServer. Just an empty space in the code 
where the legend would normally be.
 The individual legend graphics are being created as usual.
 Any Ideas?
 My legend template file is fairly complicated using many of the legend 
template CGI parameters plus some javascript. Has anything changed here that 
would crash the legend, but not crash the webpage?
Ken Lord
Vancouver BC
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