True Type Map Symbols

David Bitner osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 28 09:24:12 PST 2005

How many folks out there are using True Type for map symbols?  I am
using True Type for my highway shields (interstate is actually made up
of three symbols which I then show on top of eachother in red, white,
and blue).  Has anyone put together a "font" of various map symbols? 
If not, is there anyone else who has cobbled together a small
selection of symbols that we could combine and make available to the
rest of the community?

Additionally, is there (or would it be easy to add) a way that a
symbol could be defined as a combination of three other symbols each
with a different color so that in the mapfile, all you would need to
do is have the symbol name and size (see interestate example above)?


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