Chloropleth maps with Mapserver

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Sun Oct 2 03:19:27 PDT 2005

I assume you mean Choropleth Maps like this article suggests:

Are you (like the article) starting with points and you want to group 
them?  That is, you want the user to be able to specify how many groups to 
create, but there is underlying data?  

There may be a way to do this in Mapscript.  Also, you might find 
gdal_contour of value (or something similar).


On Sun, 2 Oct 2005, Jason Pickering wrote:

> I am currently evaluating the capabilities of MapServer to retrieve
> data from a Postgresql database and display it on a chlorpleth map.
> For instance, I have data like:
> Area      IndicatorValue
> Area 1     10
> Area 2    20
> Area 3  15
> Area 4  20
> etc etc
> Each region will be represented by a color, depending on what the
> value is in the "IndicatorValue" column. The users need to be able to
> select (dynamically) how many color regions will be displayed on the
> map, and what the value range of each color is.
> I have searched high and low through the archives, and Google, but
> can't seem to find a definitive answer, or better yet, and example of
> how this can be done with Mapserver.Any pointers would be most
> welcome.
> Best regards,

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