Chloropleth maps with Mapserver

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Sun Oct 2 09:01:12 EDT 2005


There has been a lot of discussion on this lately, search the archives 
for subject "Proposed RFC on COLORRAMP Support" on the mapserver-dev 
list. The issue of where or not there is a way to define the number of 
color regions dynamically has been an issue of debate. There is some 
feeling that this should be done using mapscript to dynamically generate 
N number of classes.

-Steve W.

Jason Pickering wrote:
> I am currently evaluating the capabilities of MapServer to retrieve
> data from a Postgresql database and display it on a chlorpleth map.
> For instance, I have data like:
> Area      IndicatorValue
> Area 1     10
> Area 2    20
> Area 3  15
> Area 4  20
> etc etc
> Each region will be represented by a color, depending on what the
> value is in the "IndicatorValue" column. The users need to be able to
> select (dynamically) how many color regions will be displayed on the
> map, and what the value range of each color is.
> I have searched high and low through the archives, and Google, but
> can't seem to find a definitive answer, or better yet, and example of
> how this can be done with Mapserver.Any pointers would be most
> welcome.
> Best regards,

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