Confused about legends

Tamas Szekeres szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Mon Oct 10 16:48:34 EDT 2005

I think the legend might show the classes of those features that are
really drawn on the map with a given setting. In addition the drawing of
the legend item can be controlled manually by adding or removing the name
of the corresponding class.


On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:59:42 -0700, Chip Taylor <work at XWB.COM> wrote:

>I have been reading up on legends and legend templates but remain
>In my example I have three layers with named classes: Cities, Counties,
>States.  Cities and States layers are always on.  Counties display is
>controlled by a checkboxes.  At all times I do NOT want the States layer
>be included in the legend.  If the Counties layer checkbox is selected
>I want the legend to display the values in the Counties layer classes
>Otherwise if the Counties layer checkbox is not selected (layer is off)
>I want the legend to display the values in the Cities layer classes only.
>How would I do this?
>Thanks in advance for your help.
>Chip Taylor
>Prepared Response, Inc.

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