time series problem 3 (Bug!?)

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at FAO.ORG
Wed Oct 12 03:51:27 PDT 2005

Hi, sorry for continuing this story, but I really want to solve this  
and hope my additional info helps to sort out the problems I face.

I am using a shapefile with the imgdate column added to it. I use  
exactly the same index to work with a WCS on the same data, that one  
works perfectly fine.

I have browsed through the mapServer sourcecode to see if I could  
discover something/ understand the problem better. I'm not familiar  
with C coding, so forgive my ignorance :-) What I could understand is  
that my request fails when the time string submitted in the request  
is compared to the timeextent given in the capabilities document.

The exact section of the code is in  between line 545 and line 569,  
apparently the msValidateTimeValue() procedure fails to find the  
requested date in the extent. I do not get an error when I change my  
extent to a range like "2005-09-11,2005-09-21/2005-09-21" or  
"2005-09-11,2005-09-11/2005-09-21", but it will only render the very  
last image, even when an earlier one is requested.

So I guess I face a bug!?

Thanks again,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at FAO.ORG>
> Date: 12 October 2005 09:54:26 GMT+02:00
> Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] time series problem 2
> Reply-To: Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler at FAO.ORG>
> Further to my previous message, the exception I get is the  
> following one:
> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.1">
>     <ServiceException code="InvalidDimensionValue">
> msWMSApplyTime: WMS server error. Time value(s) 2005-09-21 given is  
> invalid or outside the time extent defined  
> (2005-03-11,2005-03-21,2005-04-01,2005-04-11,2005-04-21,2005-05-01,200 
> 5-05-11,2005-05-21,2005-06-01,2005-06-11,2005-06-21,2005-07-01,2005-07 
> -11,2005-07-21,2005-08-01,2005-08-11,2005-08-21,2005-09-01,2005-09-11, 
> 2005-09-21), and default time set is invalid (2005-09-21)
>     </ServiceException>
> </ServiceExceptionReport>
> And the URL's I use are:
> For Capabilities:
> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities
> For a working map without specifying the time:
> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG: 
> 4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&format=image/ 
> png&layers=spotndvi&transparent=true&width=400&height=200
> For a request with a time, the exception is returned:
> version=1.1.1&service=WMS&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG: 
> 4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&format=image/ 
> png&layers=spotndvi&transparent=true&width=400&height=200&time=2005-09 
> -21
> These URL's can be reached from outside, so you can try this yourself.
> Thanks in advance for any help to a solution,
> Jeroen
> On 11 Oct 2005, at 19:20, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem with time series for WMS. I have used the  
>> following WMS attributes in my map file and I get the default  
>> image the first WMS map request. The moment I start requesting  
>> maps with the time variable set, I get an exception indicating  
>> that the time format used is not correct.
>> The data is GeoTIFF
>> I have an index shapefile with an imgdate column containing the  
>> dates in the same format
>> Anyone an idea, I can't find an example that has a whole range of  
>> images with a specific time set for each image.
>> Map file extract:
>> At the map level (although I don't think this is supported/needed  
>> for GeoTIFF data!?)
>> ____________________________
>>       "wms_timeformat"                 "YYYY-MM-DD"
>> ____________________________
>> At the layer level
>> ____________________________
>>      "wms_style_default_title"              "default"
>>      "wms_format"                           "image/png"
>>      "wms_timedefault"                  "2005-09-11"
>>      "wms_timeextent"                   
>> "2005-08-21,2005-09-01,2005-09-11"          # also tried with  
>> spaces after each comma
>>      "wms_timeitem"                         "imgdate"
>>     END
>>     DUMP TRUE
>>     TILEINDEX 'ndvi_idx'
>>     TILEITEM "location"
>>     EXTENT -180.0 -90.0 180.0 90.0
>>     PROJECTION  "init=epsg:4326" END
>> ____________________________
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jeroen
>> _______________________
>> Jeroen Ticheler
>> Tel: +39 06 57056041
>> http://www.fao.org/geonetwork
>> 12.34327°N 12.34327°E

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