Query attribute

Matthew Edmondson matt0177 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Oct 12 08:19:54 PDT 2005

When using a OGR Virtual File (often extension .ovf) file to connect to a
database, you can insert a SQL query and only pull certain data. I'm
currently using a similar set up using a MySQL database.
  OGR Virtual Files are documented at:
 Good Luck,

 On 10/12/05, Johan Hallgren <johan.e.hallgren at wmdata.se> wrote:
> Hello
> I have tried to find a way to query attribute in mapserver/mapscript. I
> have found the function queryByAttributes(). I miss some functions here.
> Is there ways to do regular "SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE id = xy" with
> MapServer?
> Similar question, is queries with LIKE and IN is supported?
> I have found out that it's possible to use regular expression but only on
> shapefiles. What is possible if data is stored in a database?
> Is there some documentation that I have missed, where can it be found?
> Any assistance is welcome.
> Regards
> Johan
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