
Jeff A. Briere j.briere at SASKTEL.NET
Mon Oct 17 13:38:50 EDT 2005

We are new to Mapserver, however we have been successful at
developing a MapLab application using the MS4W installation on a
stand alone computer.

We are wondering if there are any Geocoding capabilities within
MapServer?  Any source code or examples would be appreciated.

Also, now that we have completed development using the basic
tools provided within Maplab, we are wondering if we could enhance
this application further outside of MapLab - has anyone had any
success on this - any advice on how to proceed would be great.

Finally,  from a deployment perspective (this may be a dumb
question), I am not sure were to begin.  Do MapLab applications
rely on an underlying Mapserver or are they driven entirely by PHP?
The real question here is how do I take an application developed on
a stand alone and get it working on my webpage when I'm not sure
about all of the software dependancies?  Again any advice would
be great?



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