wms_attribution element for LAYER's

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Fri Oct 21 06:40:55 PDT 2005

I have added the patch you sent. Bug 1502 is tracking this change.


Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>While setting up WMS/WCS/WFS services we noticed that the 
>>URL and related information can be used at the MAP level METADATA,  
>>but not at the LAYER level METADATA. We would very much like to see  
>>that information appear at the layer level to ensure we properly  
>>acknowledge data providers (the icon and URL are used to display an  
>>attribution logo next to each layer when the information is 
>>present. Would it be possible to also have these elements 
>>reflected at LAYER  
>>Here's what we use:
>>                         "wms_attribution_onlineresource"         
>>"wms_attribution_title"                          "Data from the Food  
>>and Agriculture Organization (FAO)"
>>                         "wms_attribution_logourl_width"              
>>                         "wms_attribution_logourl_height"         "20"
>>                         "wms_attribution_logourl_format"          
>>                         "wms_attribution_logourl_href"            
> This would be a good idea.  The attribution stuff applies currently only
> to the root Layer element in Capabilities XML.  Doing it at the layer
> level shouldn't be too hard (i.e. calling msWMSPrintAttribution in
> mapwms.c).  Infact, I just tried this:
> 1./
> Insert in mapwms.c, line 1361:
> msWMSPrintAttribution(stdout, "    ", &(lp->metadata), "MO");
> 2./
> Add the wms_attribution_* metadata at the LAYER/METADATA level.
> ..and it works as expected.
> Jeroen: perhaps you can file an enhancement to bugzilla?  Or is this
> minor enough for one of the developers to commit?  Note that we would
> also 
> ..Tom

Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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