Mapserver & PostGIS

Artur Skalski artur.skalski at ACXIOM.COM
Wed Sep 7 06:14:14 PDT 2005

Hi All

I'm using mapserver 4.4 with php mapscritp. Not so long ago I was asking You
for an advice regarding service infrastructure, and all advanteges and
disadvantages of diferent configurations so thanks again for all tips I got
from you.
I've decided to separate web server from data server and to put my vector
data into postgis. And my question is what kind of changes will i have to
make when getting everything to work on postgis, do i need to change only
mapfile, to set apropriate connections in mapfile into each layer and all
the rest like php code and html code may stay the same or will the changes
have to go deeper? What kind of thing should i be aware carefull with when
going into postGIS?

Thank for Your advice

Best Regards


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