Mapserver & PostGIS

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Wed Sep 7 11:03:46 EDT 2005

- change CONNECTIONTYPE and DATA to reference your PostGIS tables
- ensure your PostGIS tables have spatial indexes
- ensure your PostGIS DATA statements include both USING UNIQUE and  
- ensure your UNIQUE columns are indexed (using the primary key is  
the simplest way)
- if you have any FILTER statements, change them to use SQL syntax  
instead of mapserver syntax
- if you have any EXPRESSIONS or other references to attribute values  
or names, change them to use lower-case attribute names

That's it.


On Sep 7, 2005, at 6:14 AM, Artur Skalski wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm using mapserver 4.4 with php mapscritp. Not so long ago I was  
> asking You
> for an advice regarding service infrastructure, and all advanteges and
> disadvantages of diferent configurations so thanks again for all  
> tips I got
> from you.
> I've decided to separate web server from data server and to put my  
> vector
> data into postgis. And my question is what kind of changes will i  
> have to
> make when getting everything to work on postgis, do i need to  
> change only
> mapfile, to set apropriate connections in mapfile into each layer  
> and all
> the rest like php code and html code may stay the same or will the  
> changes
> have to go deeper? What kind of thing should i be aware carefull  
> with when
> going into postGIS?
> Thank for Your advice
> Best Regards
> Artur

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