mapserver 4.6.1 and validating XML

Brent Fraser bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM
Mon Sep 12 15:52:17 PDT 2005

WFS Gurus,

  I thought I would try mapserver as a WFS server.  The XML it (v4.6.1)
spits out when doing REQUEST=getcapabilities generates parse errors in the
Cadcorp SIS Map Browser (and the XML validator, CookTop).  Specifically:
<SFE_XMLSCHEMA/> and <GML3/> are flagged as invalid elements.  I haven't
used the new "outputFormat=GML3" option, so I assume it should be generating

  Are these parse errors normal?  Is there some switch in the map file I
need to throw?

The XML details:

Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.

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