mapserver 4.6.1 and validating XML
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Sep 12 17:22:50 PDT 2005
> WFS Gurus,
> I thought I would try mapserver as a WFS server. The XML
> it (v4.6.1) spits out when doing REQUEST=getcapabilities
> generates parse errors in the Cadcorp SIS Map Browser (and
> the XML validator, CookTop). Specifically: <SFE_XMLSCHEMA/>
> and <GML3/> are flagged as invalid elements. I haven't used
> the new "outputFormat=GML3" option, so I assume it should be
> generating GML2.
> Are these parse errors normal? Is there some switch in the
> map file I need to throw?
> The XML details:
> :
> <DescribeFeatureType>
> <SchemaDescriptionLanguage>
> </SchemaDescriptionLanguage>
> :
> <GetFeature>
> <ResultFormat>
> <GML2/>
> <GML3/>
> </ResultFormat>
Funny you mention this. I put a call in to the WFS editor today asking
just this. What I'm guessing will be needed is a MapServer-specific XML
Schema with definition of custom WFS formats, then have these ref'd in
the Capabilities XML.
At any rate, stay tuned. I'll post a bug for this shortly.
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