which "flavor" of linux is best for MS?
nicolas at MAICH.GR
Tue Sep 13 23:20:56 PDT 2005
Fernando Simon wrote:
> Hi Sergio,
> Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We
> already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3.
> Slackware 9 and 10.
> For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle
> Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of
> the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release
> if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3
> without problems, very stable and secure.
> I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I
> prefer to compile everything by myself
> (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases:
> SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can
> be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe.
I'll second that for Slackware...IMHO, it is the most "complete/correct"
distro when it comes to library compatibilities, version etc...
> Thanks.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fernando Simon
> Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
> G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil
> http://www.univali.br/g10 - UNIVALI/CTTMAR
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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