which "flavor" of linux is best for MS?
crazygecko at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 14 01:26:28 PDT 2005
Since no one else is advocating Debian here, I thought I would.
I've tried lots of distros in the past, mostly Red Had, Fedora SuSe and
Mandrake. All of them have unsatisfactory packaging programs, I just didn't
find rpm to be very good. With Debian if I need to install any program all I
have to do is type 'apt-get install program', and hey presto it's done.
Beautiful. No manually downloading other programs it depends on, that's all
done for you. Nothing to worry about at all. And it is very stable.
Debian is a little bit tricky for the beginner, but its definitely worth
On 14/09/05, Nikos <nicolas at maich.gr> wrote:
> Fernando Simon wrote:
> > Hi Sergio,
> > Here in G10 we already used many releases in these couple years. We
> > already used Red Hat 7, 8 and 9. Conectiva 9 and 10. SuSe 9.2 and 9.3.
> > Slackware 9 and 10.
> > For all releases above we used with Mapserver+Oracle
> > Spatial+PostGis+W*S without problems. In my desktop, until the end of
> > the last year, I used Slackware, I believe that it's the best release
> > if you want to do everything by scratch. Now I'm using Suse 9.3
> > without problems, very stable and secure.
> > I believe that it's very difficult to appoint the best release. I
> > prefer to compile everything by myself
> > (gd+gdal+PostgreSQL+OGR+Mapserver.....), so for me the best releases:
> > SuSe and Slackware. All the releases that you post in your e-mail can
> > be used for Mapserver, but my vote is for SuSe.
> I'll second that for Slackware...IMHO, it is the most "complete/correct"
> distro when it comes to library compatibilities, version etc...
> regards,
> nikos
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Fernando Simon
> > Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
> > G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil
> > http://www.univali.br/g10 - UNIVALI/CTTMAR
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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