Swf attribute output from OGC plus GML?

Grant, Ryan rgrant at NRCAN.GC.CA
Wed Sep 14 14:26:18 PDT 2005

 Hey there, 
I have a map file that uses an OGR connection to a GML file. It displays
fine using jpeg and single SWF output formats. However once I switch to the
multiple layer SWF format, I get nothing being displayed. 

Also, I was hoping to use the swf "Dump Attributes", but I'm not sure
exactly how to correctly map my gml to the "Result_Fields" and
"SwfDumpAttributes" portions of my mapfile.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Ryan Grant

A snippet from my GML looks like this:

		<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
	<gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">
	<nrcan:COU>BUENOS AIRES</nrcan:COU>
	<nrcan:TYP>PROC PLANT</nrcan:TYP>
	<nrcan:CUR>PAST PRODUCER</nrcan:CUR>
	<nrcan:COMMOD>S S</nrcan:COMMOD>

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