SLD and Raster ColorMap

Jennifer Zeisloft jzeisloft at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 14 19:09:31 PDT 2005

Hello all,

I've been experimenting with SLD and have been having trouble getting 
ColorMap to work with raster imagery. My first troubles were in the context 
of a chameleon interface, where only the opacity parameter would be passed 
to the raster layer. 

So, I took the maps out of chameleon, but am getting no response whatsoever 
(neither opacity or color mapping changes). Below are my two GetMap requests 
(one with and one without SLD) and the URL for the SLD file. I would be very 
grateful if someone could tell me whether this is something I'm doing wrong, 
a bug, or whatever. I'm attempting to put together a brief help page for 
visitors to our site about SLD, among other things, and I'm not sure what to 
tell them about raster SLDs yet (since I can't get it to work myself).

Original Map Request,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=

Map Request with SLD,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=&sld=


I really appreciate any hints you can offer!


Jennifer Zeisloft
UW Sea Grant
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