SLD and Raster ColorMap

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Sep 15 10:23:16 PDT 2005


  I do no see something obviously wrong with the sld. Here are some tips 
to try :
   * from what I know raster classification only works with 8 and 16 
bits rasters. Is your file 8/16 buts ?
   * if yes, please create manually in your map file some classes with 
the values that you have specified in the sld ( [pixel] >= 25 AND 
[pixel] < 50 with color ffffff,  [pixel] >= 50 AND [pixel] < 75 with 
color b22222 ...) and just do a getmap. Is it classified as expected ?


Jennifer Zeisloft wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been experimenting with SLD and have been having trouble getting 
> ColorMap to work with raster imagery.  My first troubles were in the 
> context of a chameleon interface, where only the opacity parameter would 
> be passed to the raster layer. 
> So, I took the maps out of chameleon, but am getting no response 
> whatsoever (neither opacity or color mapping changes).  Below are my two 
> GetMap requests (one with and one without SLD) and the URL for the SLD 
> file.  I would be very grateful if someone could tell me whether this is 
> something I'm doing wrong, a bug, or whatever.  I'm attempting to put 
> together a brief help page for visitors to our site about SLD, among 
> other things, and I'm not sure what to tell them about raster SLDs yet 
> (since I can't get it to work myself).
> Original Map Request
> <,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=>
> Map Request with SLD
> <,-90,180,90&format=image/png&layers=huemapped_srtm&transparent=TRUE&width=800&height=600&Styles=&sld=>
> I really appreciate any hints you can offer!
> Thanks.
> Jennifer Zeisloft
> UW Sea Grant

Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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