64bit/Dual Core Issues and Recommendations?

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Wed Sep 14 21:51:59 PDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I am in the market for a server, and am trying to choose a CPU platform.  
I have seen recently a number of issues coming up with various GIS 
applications (qgis/GDAL/Mapserver/PostGIS) all pointing to spurious 
segfaults when running on AMD 64 platforms.  Also, I've heard rumblings 
from friends that getting any of the linux distros on AMD 64 is somewhat 

I will be doing fairly intensive mapping applications, involving 
Mapserver, Mapscript, GDAL (For aerials), and lots of PostGIS dynamic 
queries against a pretty hefty database.

Since I don't want to pay a Dell/HP premium, I have looked at the 1U
barebones systems on newegg, and basically, there are three options:

1) Dual Opteron 64 - dual core is optional
2) Pentium (4 or D) - Hyperthreading and/or Dual Core is optional
3) Dual Xeon EM64T 

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