Total beginner here...

Matthew Perry perrygeo at GMAIL.COM
Fri Sep 16 23:04:29 PDT 2005


On 9/16/05, Barbara Payne <barbara at> wrote:
> Am stuck on one of the first things I'm trying to do -- to access sample 
> map data prior to learning how to use OpenEV.
>  Script for looking at the data seems to operate fine--but it's not 
> finding the data I've downloaded (twice, into different places, event though 
> the book says it doesn't matter where I extract it).
>  Is there someone in the U.S. who has a few minutes to talk with me to get 
> past this issue? I'll be glad to call you or I'll give you my cell number 
> off-list.

If I understand you correctly, you're trying to download data and view it in 
OpenEV? Perhaps the OpenEV mailing list would have a better answer.

If you are using Mapserver to view the data, we'll need more specifics to be 
able to help you. For example, what script are you using? What dataset are 
you trying to view? What specific steps did you take and what exactly went 
wrong? The better you explain your problem, the better we'll be able to help 
you solve it.

Also, while myself and others are happy to offer consulting services for a 
fee, you are might be off keeping your questions in a public mailing list 
forum so that 1) you can draw on the knowledge of the entire community and 
2) the solutions to the problems will be archived so that others will have 
the answers if they encounter the same questions.

Hope to hear from you,
Matt Perry
perrygeo at
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