Total beginner here...

Sat Sep 17 05:15:54 PDT 2005

Thank you to the author of the book for responding to my cry for help! Have
now created my first primitive map. The book,by the way, is Web Mapping by
Tyler Mitchell and published by O'Reilly. You guys are probably all experts,
but it's very exciting for a non-programmer like me to think I could really
learn to map data.
Thanks, Tyler. More questions undoubtedly on the way.
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Payne [mailto:barbara at] 
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 7:12 AM
Subject: Total beginner here...

Am stuck on one of the first things I'm trying to do -- to access sample map
data prior to learning how to use OpenEV.
Script for looking at the data seems to operate fine--but it's not finding
the data I've downloaded (twice, into different places, event though the
book says it doesn't matter where I extract it).
Is there someone in the U.S. who has a few minutes to talk with me to get
past this issue? I'll be glad to call you or I'll give you my cell number



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