How to use and interpret DEBUG?

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Mon Apr 3 07:38:24 EDT 2006

The log file is more like an access log file and not very useful for what
you want to do.

To use debugging info, make sure:
1) Mapserver is compiled with MSDEBUG (check mapserv -v)
2) Your CGI knows where to log debug info, for Apache use: SetEnv
MS_ERRORFILE "stderr" in the httpd.conf so that debug info gets into the
Apache error log, for IIS use system environment variable named
MS_ERRORFILE and restart server machine, you can also log to a file if you
make sure your webserver has write access to it
3) in the Apache error log the drawing times will be reported

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

> Hi,
> I got interested in comparing the performance of using tiled geotiffs with
> overviews v.s. JPEG 2000 images.  So far I have set "DEBUG ON" in map
> object, named a logfile in the web object, made two layers from geotiffs
> and JPEG 2000s and set "DEBUG ON" for the both.
> Now when I send requests to Mapserver I get new lines to logfile, but I do
> not know where I should find the time that it takes to render the layer.
> Here is an splitted example of the lines I am getting to the log:
> Mon Apr 03 13:08:52 2006,      #this is obviously date and time
> 2732,        # no idea about what this is
>,      # IP address of the requesting computer, I believe
> Tifspeedtest,       # name defined in the mapfile
> 3,       # no idea about this, but value seems to be always "3"
> 2539375.000000 7220000.000000 2545625.000000 7225000.000000,      #
> extents of the request
>      -1.000000 -1.000000, # no idea about these two either
> Geotiff ,  # names of the requested layers
> normal execution # the result
> Now I wonder if this is the way to do this, and if so, then what I should
> think about the numbers. I wonder also why I get two lines per request if
> I send "&mode=map&layers=Geotiff" request through browser, but nothing at
> all if I am sending WMS "GetMap"requests with the browser for the same
> layer, even if I do get the map.
> Might there be some good document about using debug available? Those I
> have found helped me this far but not any further.
> Regards,
> -Jukka-

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