How to use and interpret DEBUG?

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Mon Apr 3 08:31:20 EDT 2006

Great, thank you very much Bart. Actually that data was already collected on Apache stderror (I am running MS4W) but I just didn't know where to seach for it.
Maybe this part of the mapfile reference could be a bit more clear:
"DEBUG [on|off]
Enables debugging of the map object. Verbose output is generated and sent to the standard error output (STDERR) or the MapServer logfile if one is set using the LOG parameter in the WEB object."
It was not obvious for me that the output is sent to standard error output of the Apache server, nor that the MapServer logfile I had set in WEB object did not collect all the data but the most valuable part of that was still sent to Apache log. Anyway, now it works.  I think I could post some results of my Tiled-GeoTiff-with-overviews vs. JPEG 2000 speed comparison once I have made a few controlled tests.


Lähettäjä: Bart van den Eijnden [mailto:bartvde at]
Lähetetty: ma 3.4.2006 14:38
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka
Kopio: mapserver-users at
Aihe: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] How to use and interpret DEBUG?

The log file is more like an access log file and not very useful for what
you want to do.

To use debugging info, make sure:
1) Mapserver is compiled with MSDEBUG (check mapserv -v)
2) Your CGI knows where to log debug info, for Apache use: SetEnv
MS_ERRORFILE "stderr" in the httpd.conf so that debug info gets into the
Apache error log, for IIS use system environment variable named
MS_ERRORFILE and restart server machine, you can also log to a file if you
make sure your webserver has write access to it
3) in the Apache error log the drawing times will be reported

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

> Hi,
> I got interested in comparing the performance of using tiled geotiffs with
> overviews v.s. JPEG 2000 images.  So far I have set "DEBUG ON" in map
> object, named a logfile in the web object, made two layers from geotiffs
> and JPEG 2000s and set "DEBUG ON" for the both.
> Now when I send requests to Mapserver I get new lines to logfile, but I do
> not know where I should find the time that it takes to render the layer.
> Here is an splitted example of the lines I am getting to the log:
> Mon Apr 03 13:08:52 2006,      #this is obviously date and time
> 2732,        # no idea about what this is
>,      # IP address of the requesting computer, I believe
> Tifspeedtest,       # name defined in the mapfile
> 3,       # no idea about this, but value seems to be always "3"
> 2539375.000000 7220000.000000 2545625.000000 7225000.000000,      #
> extents of the request
>      -1.000000 -1.000000, # no idea about these two either
> Geotiff ,  # names of the requested layers
> normal execution # the result
> Now I wonder if this is the way to do this, and if so, then what I should
> think about the numbers. I wonder also why I get two lines per request if
> I send "&mode=map&layers=Geotiff" request through browser, but nothing at
> all if I am sending WMS "GetMap"requests with the browser for the same
> layer, even if I do get the map.
> Might there be some good document about using debug available? Those I
> have found helped me this far but not any further.
> Regards,
> -Jukka-

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