OGR and oracle (MS4W 1.5)

listuser HH listuser at HERZSYS.DE
Mon Apr 3 11:51:34 EDT 2006

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> listuser HH wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
>> thanks for the answer. You are right something in the connection is 
>> failing. I used SrcLayer for the data source definition - when I use 
>> SrcSQL with a "select * .." it works.
> Norbert,
> The datasource definition (OCI:...) should go in the SrcDataSource tag.
> The SrcLayer should contain the name of the table you wish to operate on.
> You might want to use ogrinfo against the datasource to ensure that you
> are using the right name for the layer (table) as it might contain
> prefixes.
> Best regards,

Hi again,

I tried it like that. When I used orginfo on the datasource only one 
table was shown. This was the table which has sdo geometry.

Here is my .ovf content for the x/y data table:

    <OGRVRTLayer name="netzknoten">
    <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="KOORDINATE_X" 

This produced the TNS problem. After that I changed SrcLayer to SrcSQL 
and added "select * from" and it worked.

Thanks and best regards,


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