Success - Bill Kropla's 'Beginning MapServer' and Red Hat

KevinC (UD) kevinc at UPTIMEDATA.COM
Wed Apr 5 19:37:32 PDT 2006

cc: Dave Nutall, Frank Warmerdam, MapServer List

Mr. Kropla:

I am now serving maps from the 'ClarkConnect' Red Hat distro.  Basically, I experimented with the suggestions of Frank Warmerdam:

Edit root/.bash_profile

# This tells Red Hat explicitly where libs are stored

add : 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib'

save, reboot, then try:

% echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH  # should return '/usr/local/lib'



Edit etc/

# usr/local/lib/ is not a 'trusted' lib directory and is not searched by ldconfig by default

# this tells Red Hat to trust /usr/local/lib/

add : '/usr/local/lib/'

save, then try:

    % ldconfig -vNX > liblist.txt  # will contain usr/local/lib/lib*

If I had listened to him earlier I would be further along, but I was hoping for a magic-bullet solution with no known side-effects.

Attached find my install notes as an MS word file.  I hope it has some utility for the next edition of BM:OSGISD.

I thank everyone for helping me become a stronger Linux nerd!

Kevin Carpenter, P.E.
20007 Jasperwood Cir
Katy, TX 77449; USA
Tel: 281/599-9611
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Skype: txengineer

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KevinC at

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