Increase Clarity of WMS

Clint Johnson cjohnson at REFRACTIONS.NET
Fri Apr 7 19:33:38 EDT 2006


Your error is due to the line that says

If you want a quality image then by all means do NOT use average dithering.
example of average dithering

Use one of:


Stay away from nearest and average.

Without having to go into Digital processing 101, using nearest or 
average will cause your image to "chunk" when it is re-sampled (ie 
zoomed in or out); whereas, bilinear and bicublic will give it a nice 
"anti-aliased" look as you zoom in.


Clint Johnson
Refractions Research Inc.
Cjohnson at

Kyle Mulka wrote:
> Here's one of the WMS tiles I'm using. I've tried stretching it using 
> different values for the height and width but nothing I've tried has 
> made it look better or worse.
> -Kyle
> Josh Livni wrote:
>> Kyle,
>> I could be wrong -- I haven't used a mapserver wms in Google Maps - 
>> but I think your mapserver image may be being squashed a bit.  It's a 
>> bit less wide relative to the height/width of your Imagemagick 
>> version. Also the gmap div seems to be a different height/width in 
>> the different versions.
>> WMS will happily respond with the exact extent, but perhaps not the 
>> relative height/width you expect, thus 'squashing' the image, which 
>> may be causing the image issues you're seeing.
>> You may want to play with this by adding a &height &width to the wms 
>> query, or you could try playing with the div height/width ratios, and 
>> seeing if you get similar results if one is a bit off, as I may be 
>> off-base with this theory.
>>   -Josh
>> Kyle Mulka wrote:
>>> I have these very detailed floor plans that I'd like to georeference 
>>> and display through mapserver's WMS sever, however, the clarity of 
>>> the images degrades when it goes through. How can I increase the 
>>> clarity of these floorplans through the WMS?
>>> Here's with mapserver:
>>> Here's without (simply chopping up tiles using Imagemagick)
>>> Here's the parts of the map file for just the first floor:
>>> MAP
>>> NAME "UofM"
>>>   FONTSET fontset.txt
>>>       "init=epsg:4326"
>>>   END
>>> IMAGETYPE png24
>>> EXTENT  -83.747063 42.272038 -83.709126 42.297056
>>> SHAPEPATH "/umdata/"
>>>   NAME "dude-1"
>>>   TYPE raster
>>>   DATA "dude1.tif"
>>>     METADATA
>>>       "wms_title" "dude-1"
>>>       "wms_onlineresource" 
>>> ""
>>>       "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
>>>   END
>>> END
>>> END
>>> -Kyle

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