MapServer and System Variables

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Tue Apr 11 13:05:59 PDT 2006

Unfortunately this won't work.

You will need some kind of preprocessor tool for your MAP files which 
fills in the variables and generates MAP files.

Best regards,

Randy How wrote:

> My question is - On a windows OS does MapServer respect system 
> variables?  Specifically in regards to the map files and the 
> "location" field in the indexing shapefiles.
> We are in the process of co-locating an existing enterprise system and 
> are concerned about file system paths and how to configure them 
> between locations.
> For example, we currently have \\machine\drive\directory\filename.ext 
> <file://%5C%5Cmachine%5Cdrive%5Cdirectory%5Cfilename.ext> - I was 
> wondering if MapServer would recognize the system variable and 
> substitute the appropriate 
> value - \\%machine_drive1%\directory\filename.ext 
> <file://%5C%5C%machine_drive1%%5Cdirectory%5Cfilename.ext>
> Thanks for any insight,
> Randy How
> Fort Collins, CO

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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