Optimizing PostGIS.
Eijnden, B. van den (Bart)
b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL
Wed Apr 12 02:47:42 PDT 2006
You won't get it to be as fast as shapefiles, whatever you try.
Some thoughts though:
-you could try Mapserver FastCGI but it won't bring you much since
connection overhead is low
-did you give PostgreSQL more than the default 64 Mb of memory to use?
For point query performance, did you create an index on the unique key? If
you did not specify USING UNIQUE in your map file, then Mapserver
automatically uses oid. Make sure it is indexed. If you use a different
unique column, make sure it is indexed as well.
Best regards,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: UMN MapServer Users List
[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens Luca Manganelli
Verzonden: woensdag 12 april 2006 11:46
Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Optimizing PostGIS.
I'm trying to optimizie a postgis table.
I did "shp2pgsql" command to convert a large shapefile (17 MB, over
5000 features) then I imported it into postgres 8.1.
I created spatial index and I did VACUUM ANALYZE on that table.
I followed the steps in "Performance tips" on Postgis Documentation at
http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch05.html (expecially in 5.2 and
BUT, in my mapserver the shapefile drawn at max extent is somewhat
50%-100% faster
than Postgis. That performance gain reduces to a 10%-30% in lower scales.
If I do a point query on Postgis table, it is not much faster (but the
performances are often equals!!)...
Any idea?
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