help w/ WFS request

John Cartwright John.C.Cartwright at NOAA.GOV
Wed Apr 19 16:17:12 PDT 2006

Thanks for the suggestion, Bart.

It didn't seem to make any difference though. The request now reads as 
listed below. I'm assuming that the

<gml:coordinates>-95,26.5 -94.75,26.75</gml:coordinates>

is referring to "minx,miny maxx,maxy".  Also "DUMP TRUE" is set inside the LAYER section.

-- john

<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0"
  <wfs:Query typeName="soundings">
        <gml:Box srsName="">
           <gml:coordinates>-95,26.5 -94.75,26.75</gml:coordinates>

Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) wrote:

>Some more thoughts:
>1. you need to use msGeometry instead of the_geom in your GetFeature request
>2. just checking, but have you set DUMP TRUE on your LAYER?
>Best regards,
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: UMN MapServer Users List
>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]Namens John Cartwright
>Verzonden: dinsdag 18 april 2006 22:19
>Onderwerp: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] help w/ WFS request
>Thanks for the prompt replies Perry and Bart!
>I found part of my problem was that the TNS_ADMIN variable was not being 
>recognized so mapserver was not finding my tnsnames.ora. Having 
>corrected that, I now get the correct coordinates in the response, but 
>it 's not finding  any features. This is mapserver 4.8.3 (on RHEL WS4)  
>running against an Oracle ( spatial data source.
>Here's my current request and response. I expect to find 67 point 
>features w/in this particular geographic extent, but the 
>featureCollection is coming back empty.  The complete 
>DescribeFeatureType response is listed at the bottom of the message.
>Thanks again for your help!
>-- john
><wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0"
>  outputFormat="GML2"
>  xmlns:wfs=""
>  xmlns:ogc=""
>  xmlns:gml=""
>  xmlns:xsi=""
>  xsi:schemaLocation="
>            ">
>  <wfs:Query typeName="soundings">
>    <ogc:PropertyName>OBJECT_ID</ogc:PropertyName>
>    <ogc:Filter>
>      <ogc:BBOX>
>        <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName>
>        <gml:Box srsName="">
>           <gml:coordinates>-95,26.5 -94.75,26.75</gml:coordinates>
>        </gml:Box>
>      </ogc:BBOX>
>   </ogc:Filter>
>  </wfs:Query>
>Response (note the empty featureCollection where there should be 67 points):
><?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
>   xmlns:ms=""
>   xmlns:wfs=""
>   xmlns:gml=""
>   xmlns:ogc=""
>   xmlns:xsi=""
>   xsi:schemaLocation=" 
>      <gml:boundedBy>
>          <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4269">
>              <gml:coordinates>-94.999165,26.504089 
>          </gml:Box>
>      </gml:boundedBy>
>DescribeFeatureType Response:
>   targetNamespace="" 
>   xmlns:ms="" 
>   xmlns:ogc=""
>   xmlns:xsd=""
>   xmlns=""
>   xmlns:gml=""
>   elementFormDefault="qualified" version="0.1" >
>  <import namespace=""
>schemaLocation="" />
>  <element name="soundings" 
>           type="ms:soundingsType" 
>           substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" />
>  <complexType name="soundingsType">
>    <complexContent>
>      <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
>        <sequence>
>          <element name="msGeometry" type="gml:GeometryPropertyType"
>minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
>          <element name="OBJECT_ID" type="string"/>
>          <element name="SURVEY_ID" type="string"/>
>          <element name="ORIGINAL_LAT" type="string"/>
>          <element name="ORIGINAL_LONG" type="string"/>
>          <element name="CALCULATED_LAT" type="string"/>
>          <element name="CALCULATED_LONG" type="string"/>
>          <element name="ORIGINAL_DEPTH" type="string"/>
>          <element name="CURRENT_DEPTH" type="string"/>
>          <element name="CARTOCODE" type="string"/>
>          <element name="OBJECT_CODE" type="string"/>
>          <element name="QUALITY_CODE" type="string"/>
>          <element name="ACTIVE" type="string"/>
>        </sequence>
>      </extension>
>    </complexContent>
>  </complexType>
>Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>>On Tuesday 18 April 2006 13:28, John Cartwright wrote:
>>>Hello All,
>>>I'm trying to get mapserver setup as a simple WFS server. It responds to
>>>a GetCapabilities request OK:
>>>but when I send the following GetFeatures request:
>>><wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0"
>>> outputFormat="GML2"
>>> xmlns:wfs=""
>>> xmlns:ogc=""
>>> xmlns:gml=""
>>> xmlns:xsi=""
>>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>>           ">
>>> <wfs:Query typeName="soundings">
>>>   <ogc:Filter>
>>>     <ogc:BBOX>
>>>       <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName>
>>>       <gml:Box srsName="">
>>Shouldn't this be "<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4269">" (or is it EPSG:4326)?
>>like the srsName in your mapfile maybe incorrect.
>>>          <gml:coordinates>-95,26.5 -94.75,26.75</gml:coordinates>
>>>       </gml:Box>
>>>     </ogc:BBOX>
>>>  </ogc:Filter>
>>> </wfs:Query>
>>>I get this response, and don't know what's wrong:
>>><?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
>>>  xmlns:ms=""
>>>  xmlns:wfs=""
>>>  xmlns:gml=""
>>>  xmlns:ogc=""
>>>  xmlns:xsi=""
>>>  xsi:schemaLocation="
>>>ORMAT=XMLSCHEMA"> <gml:boundedBy>
>>>     <gml:null>missing</gml:null>
>>>  </gml:boundedBy>
>>>It suggests to me that the bounding box coordinates are not being
>>>properly read. I would have expected something like in the response:
>>><gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
>>><gml:coordinates> -95, 26.5 -94.75, 26.75</gml:coordinates>
>>>followed by a series of featureMember elements.
>>>Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong?
>>>-- john
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