shp2tile producing shp's with 1 object

Mark Dieterich mdieterich at GMAIL.COM
Sat Apr 22 15:52:37 PDT 2006

I'm running shp2tile to break up the tiger shapefiles and consistently
getting one (or more, I'm not sure yet) tiled shapefiles that have only
a single feature in them.  As a result, this is generating a bounding
box with either x or y coordinates that are the exact same value.  I've
tried retiling with a variety of quadtree values and I always end up
with one particular shapefile that has a single feature in it.  Bottom
line, this is killing some other code that currently checks for a "real"
bounding box.

So I'm curious whether:

a) This likely to be something with my underlying source data that's
causing this
b) Whether it's legit to end up with, basically a line, in one of the
tiled shapefiles or is this a bug

If the general consensus is this is not unexpected, then we can just
work around in the other code.



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