MAPSERVER-USERS Digest - 24 Apr 2006 to 25 Apr 2006 (#2006-115)

Stephen Davies sdc at SDC.COM.AU
Tue Apr 25 22:17:37 PDT 2006

G'day Carlo.

I do something like this by retrieving values from the database and  
generating sed commands to convert a "template" mapfile into an 
individual's mapfile.

Perl etc could be used instead of sed.


On Wednesday 26 April 2006 14:32, MAPSERVER-USERS automatic digest 
system wrote:
> Date:    Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:53:10 +0200
> From:    Carlo Tronnberg <temp at CHELLO.HU>
> Subject: Map file content partially or completely read from database
> Dear  List!
> I got the task to implement a web user management system where each
> user = can access a customized map server and modify some of the map
> settings. There are different groups and roles in each group. Some
> are local = administrators for their groups and can create and modify
> the privileges = and the basic settings of the map server for their
> users. All users can = modify/customize their own settings and save
> them in the database.
> For this reason I estimate the only way is to solve this through a =
> database. Since I am already using PostgreSQL for my PostGIS layers,
> the = choice of database is trivial.
> The user will have to login before he/she can access the system, thus
> = the user is known at loading the map files.
> Question: Has anyone created such a system to read some (or all) data
> = from a database to memory instead of the map file? If so, how could
> this = be done?
> I hope somebody can help me with this.
> Greetings,
> Carlo Tr=F6nnberg

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