Edit shape file in web MapServer application

Blaise bpicinbono at WORLDONLINE.FR
Tue Aug 1 17:26:04 EDT 2006

Le mardi 1 août 2006 23:06, Tamas Szekeres a écrit :
> Hi Paolo,
> > This is what I want to ask here, as I am new to mapscript and MapServer:
> > is it safe to edit shapefile online, can be any thread or cuncurrency
> > issues? At least in my ESRI experience with ArcIMS I know that they don't
> > let you edit a shapefile if it is served on the web (ArcIMS locks it). If
> > you need to edit data you need ArcSDE.
> > So it is strange to me that MapServer give you this edit possibilites,
> > but maybe (I couldn't find anywhere) is it safe to use this capacities
> > only for standalone apps?
> I consider this limited shape editing support was added because of the
> need of creating tileindexes for the layers. Mapserver/MapScript was
> designed primairly to display the maps. However there are some open
> source tools for editing data can use mapserver as the map rendering
> engine.
> > Or should i convert my data to MySQL or PostGIS?
> For editing GIS data using a geodatabase as the repository of the data
> would be architecturally better than using plain files.
> Best Regards,
> Tamas

Hi there
Mapserver does a great shapes and datas editing and updating job when you 
build the correct functions. I didn't knew ArcIMS was somehow locking 
something when serving the web, but hopefully, Mapserver doesn't.
It's up to you to cope with cuncurrency issues and all. There are several ways 
of doing it, like user-based files or else.

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