What does this error message mean?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Aug 2 15:56:49 PDT 2006

Why are you running an old, not to mention beta, version?

That aside I don't see code here that would even invoke the lexer. That
only happens with mapfile parsing and expression evaluation.


>>> "M.L. Jackson" <mljacks2 at hotmail.com> 08/02/06 2:54 PM >>>
I'm on a Windows machine running mapscript 4.6.0-beta1.

Shp2img runs on it fine.  The map file is a map of the United States of 
America with a rivers layer, states layer, and wms layer.

I'm running a JSP script.  Yes, I have run a similar script on Tomcat. 
script prints an interactive map legend using a Java Bean print method

The Java Bean method looks like this:
public String makeLegend()
String layerName = "";

int layerCount = map.getNumlayers();

String legend = "";

//check the layer for a space which will cause problems and display
for(int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
  layerName = map.getLayer(i).getName();
  if(layerName.contains(" ")){
legend += "<br><br><i><b><font color = red size = 2>The layer name \"" +

layerName +
	    		             "\" contains a space character and
will not function 
correctly!!<br>" +
	    		              "Find the layer in the map file
and remove the space, 
then " +
	    		              "reload the
	    		   return legend;

//generates html for check boxes
legend = "   <form name = \"legendForm\">";

for(int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
layerName = map.getLayer(i).getName();

legend += "\n         <input type = \"checkbox\" onclick =
handleBoxes(\"" + 
layerName +   "\")" +
					" name = \"" + layerName +
"box\" checked>" + layerName.replace("_", " 
")  + "</input><br><br>";

legend += "\n      </form>";

return legend;

Hope this is somewhat clear.  Thanks.

>From: "Steve Lime" <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us>
>To: "M.L. Jackson" <mljacks2 at hotmail.com>,    
><MAPSERVER-USERS at lists.umn.edu>
>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] What does this error message mean?
>Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 14:15:45 -0500
>Hmmm... Haven't seen that one before. I've found very little on Google
>with regards to the
>error. Something tells me it has to do with something like an empty
>file however I tried doing
>that locally and got a more appropriate error. So, we'll need more
>- what platform? what version?
>- what does the mapfile look like? can you run shp2img on it?
>- have you run this or a similar script successfully under tomcat?
> >>> "M.L. Jackson" <mljacks2 at HOTMAIL.COM> 8/2/2006 1:50:57 PM >>>
>What does this mean?  This message is generated when I try to run my
>mapscript application on Tomcat.
>"fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed"
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