Java MapScript UnsatisfiedLinkError

Ryan Ollerenshaw ollerery at ENGR.ORST.EDU
Fri Aug 4 13:58:26 PDT 2006

Using this bit of code my java servelt reports that the mapscript has 

static {
         try {
             //System.loadLibrary("mapscript"); //load native library
//load native library
             System.out.println(" * mapscript native library loaded *");
         } catch (Exception e) {
             System.err.println(" * error loading native library *");
             System.err.println("Error is: " + e);

although i am still getting a
UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mapscript in java.library.path when i reference 
any of the mapscript functions for example:

mapObj map = new mapObj("/var/www/html/mapserver/htdocs/");

Any ideas why this is?

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