Java MapScript UnsatisfiedLinkError

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 5 02:19:58 PDT 2006

let's follow this checklist:

1) install a fresh tomcat on a fresh system: fresh means new system,
not the current cleaned up one. In this casesit is always recommended
to start over
2) compile mapserver and java mapscript: post the configure command
and its output
3) copy mapscript.jar in common/lib
4) set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the dir where is placed
5) run 'ldd -r /path/to/' and post its output here
6) start tomcat with TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
7) run your application

If you still have exceptions post the catalina.out log here with the
full stack trace of the exception.

Needless to say the clearer and detailed your error report is the
faster we'll be able to help you fix it.


On 8/4/06, Ryan Ollerenshaw <ollerery at> wrote:
> Using this bit of code my java servelt reports that the mapscript has
> loaded.
> static {
>          try {
>              //System.loadLibrary("mapscript"); //load native library
> System.load("/etc/tomcat5/webapps/my_test/WEB-INF/src/");
> //load native library
>              System.out.println(" * mapscript native library loaded *");
>          } catch (Exception e) {
>              System.err.println(" * error loading native library *");
>              System.err.println("Error is: " + e);
>              e.printStackTrace();
>          }
>     }
> although i am still getting a
> UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mapscript in java.library.path when i reference
> any of the mapscript functions for example:
> mapObj map = new mapObj("/var/www/html/mapserver/htdocs/");
> Any ideas why this is?

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