MapServer website : access to documentation pages

Didrik Pinte dpinte at ITAE.BE
Tue Aug 8 00:02:32 PDT 2006

Le mardi 08 août 2006 à 08:45 +0200, Laurent Jégou a écrit :
> Hello, just a reminder message about the documentation pages of the 
> website : they are inaccessibles for many non-english visitors, since 
> plone detects the locale of the browser (i imagine), and automatically 
> present the part of the website corresponding (which is largely empty in 
> french, by example).
> If you're looking for french translators, i can help, i've translated a 
> good par of the core documentation (mapfiles) for the courses i teach. 
> That's pretty annoying to be denied of access to the documentation.
> Thanks

Hello Laurent,

I'm the one having translated the front page into french. I wasn't
supposed to translate only that page, leaving the french part of the
website empty ... The problem is that the plone documentation part did
not support translation at this time. I don't know if it's still the
case but the last time i tried (two month ago) it was still not working.
This must be fixed in order to let volunteers like you and me start
translating all the rest of the site.

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