WMS Java Mapscript : msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes bug

José Vilson de Mello de Farias vilson.farias at DIGITRO.COM.BR
Wed Aug 9 09:35:46 PDT 2006


  I've just tested a WMS GetCapabilities in a new MapServer compiled 
from today's CVS HEAD and the problem has been solved.

  Thanks everybody for such valuable help,


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 8/9/06, Howard Butler <hobu at iastate.edu> wrote:
>> This is most likely a bug in the gdBuffer typemap
>> for Java MapScript.  Please file a bug in buzilla
>> for the Java MapScript component with your
>> example and information.
> Howard / Jose,
> I have come to the conclusion that there is a bug in my
> strip content header function in mapio.c.  It was updating
> the 'allocated buffer size' instead of the 'portion of buffer
> used' value.  I have committed a fix for this problem,
> however, I am unable to test it (as I'm on the road).
> I'd appreciate it if you could try the latest CVS code
> and let me know if there is still a problem.
> Best regards,

*José Vilson de Mello de Farias*
/Analista de Sistemas
//SSE - Segurança Pública/

*E-mail:* vilson.farias at digitro.com.br 
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