flaw in SLD label implementation

Eijnden, Bart van den (AGI) b.vdeijnden at AGI.RWS.MINVENW.NL
Wed Aug 9 23:19:47 PDT 2006

Hi list,

I am trying to get Mapserver (version 4.8.4) to display labels for a certain attribute column. This works fine if I use the non-conformant OGC request (only part of my SLD):


According to the OGC SLD spec Mapserver should just label with MY_COLUMN as a static string.

But it does not work if I use it the way the example in the SLD spec indicates (using ogc:PropertyName):


I get:
[Thu Aug 10 08:06:30 2006] [error] [client] Thu Aug 10 08:06:30 2006 - msDBFGetItemIndex(): DBASE file error. Item 'PropertyName' not found.

Example from SLD spec:

Why is this important? So that you can label using attribute values and static strings combined, like:
<Label>This is city "<ogc:PropertyName>NAME</ogc:PropertyName>"
of state <ogc:PropertyName>STATE</ogc:PropertyName></Label>

Can this be fixed?

Best regards, 
Bart van den Eijnden

drs. A.J. van den Eijnden
Productteam Applicaties Geo-Informatie
Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Geo-informatie en ICT 
Postbus 5023, 2600 GA Delft 
Derde Werelddreef 1, 2622 HA Delft 
Telefoon: (015) 275 75 75 
E-mail b.vdeijnden at agi.rws.minvenw.nl

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