Improving documentation

Zenon Panoussis oracle at PROVOCATION.NET
Sun Aug 20 18:03:46 PDT 2006

P Kishor wrote:

> Interesting thread, this, and I've gone and changed its subject.


> Every single time you succeed at a task, just note down the
> steps and put it somewhere -- in the official docs, on the wiki, on
> your own website so it gets google-ified, whatever. No matter how
> immaterial or inconsequential it may seem, someone, somewhere will
> save a lot of head-banging.

Mostly, I try to put together the series of correct/corrected commands
which lead to a certain task being accomplished in simple scripts that
serve as a rough documentation draft, but also as an easy way to repeat
the same task without repeating the mistakes. My first attempt at public
documentation went up at the same week that
I touched GIS for the first time. It's nothing much at all now, hopefully
there will be more there as I go along.

Talking about documentation, the projection EPSG:42304 in the example at
is not in my proj-4.4.9 definition files. Probably a typo, but I have no
clue what it should be instead, so I'm not touching the wiki.


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