Raster Data Download

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Wed Aug 23 08:49:25 PDT 2006

Ryan Ollerenshaw wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good way to allow users to download raster 
> datasets from a Mapserver?  I have tried using WCS requests but for 
> large data areas at high resolutions the requests just take to long. 
> Thanks,
> -Ryan
Not that this doesn't specifically relate to your question, but I have 
built a CAD (AutoCAD) Client that talks to MapServer (as well as cached 
tile sets) and can retrieve the data based on a Windowed extents request.

The trick is in knowing what the customer has available for viewing the 
tiled data with.  Another routine in the CAD client also outputs the 
World files for the tiled images after placement.  Using MapServer 
allows for requesting only the resolution required for a particular 
view, much quicker than using some big massive image every time you need 
to look at a small area.

It all runs via the Internet as well.  No File management hassles 
related to setting up file shares, etc.  Now if I can just figure out 
how to set up an AutoLoader for the toolset inside of AutoCAD . . . .


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