PostGIS case problem

Daniel Vencler daniel at GEOFOTO.HR
Wed Aug 30 08:37:15 EDT 2006

Jacolin Yves wrote:
> Sorry to not post a message before. But I confim that postgis doesn't like 
> capital letter. I don't know if mapserver change something in the 
> 'connection' parameter. But when I create a table in the postGIS database, 
> with capital letter, the layername in the 'geometry_columns' table was in 
> capital letter but the layer name (ie the name of the table) was in lower 
> case !

	Yes, but to correctly create table with capital letters is
postgis you should use this form:
CREATE TABLE "Table_With_Capital_Letters" (
SELECT AddGeometryColumn( 'public', 'Table_With_Capital_Letters',
'Geom', '1', MULTIPOLYGON, '2' );

This will work, but the problem is that mapserver doesn't always
use quoting.
Problem is that from this DB I need to server GML via WFS, and
features and attributes in official schema is with first capital
letter. Now I know that I can override attribute name in WFS but
it is lots of work.
Maybe in the future mapserver will be able to more correctly
use postgis.

					Best regards,
					Daniel Vencler

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