PHP Mapscript and WMS Server

Yewondwossen Assefa assefa at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Aug 31 08:45:56 PDT 2006

I have updated the documenetation with php example 
There was also a problem with the ms_iogetStdoutBufferBytes and it is 
now fixed in cvs. I will add the the php mapscript doc on mapsservr site 
with the new functions.


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Nicol Hermann wrote:
>> Bart,
>> i there any working example how to use the GetMap Request with the new
>> MapScript wrappers for WxS Services?
>> I had no look so far using PHP Mapscript.
>> Any code snippets?
>> Many thanks Nicol
> Nicol,
> I have confirmed that the WxS methods have been added to PHP MapScript for
> 4.10; however, I neglected to add any examples of it in the WxS howto.
> I've done a very very quick test with the following script which at least
> seems to parse properly.  Could you try something like it and see if it 
> works?
> <?php
> dl("");
> $req = ms_newowsrequestobj();
> $req->loadParams();
> $map = ms_newMapObj( "/u/www/maps/ukpoly/" );
> $map->OWSDispatch( $req );
> ?>
> If so, I'll update the howto with the example.
> Best regards,

Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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