map a search: best strategy?

John Smith jayzee.smith at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 4 15:16:29 PST 2006

On 12/4/06, Hal Mueller <hal at> wrote:

> In your first message it sounded like you had a collection of
> locations that didn't change very often.
> If that's true, why are you geocoding on the fly?  (and if not, then
> I didn't understand at all).

you're right. the search database doesn't change much but it's maintained by
someone else. if nothing looks good i'd have to tell him- dude add x/y
column, but something tells me it's not as cool.

On 12/4/06, Hal Mueller <hal at> wrote:

> First, create a master shapefile with all of the possible search
> result locations, with a unique ID for each point.
> Your search DB returns a result that says "display unique ID's 1, 2,
> 5, 216, and 37".
> You create a .DBF file with this schema:
> UNIQUEID would be the same as the unique point identifier in the
> master shapefile.
> The contents of the dynamic .DBF would be:
> 1, 1
> 2, 1
> 3, 0
> 4, 0
> 5, 1
> 6, 0
> ...
> 36, 0
> 37, 1
> 38, 0
> ...
> 216, 1
> and so on--1 if the point is to be displayed, 0 if not
> Now you could copy the other component files from your master
> shapefile to the dynamic one.  But instead, just make a symbolic link
> to the spatial data parts.

sweet. let's see if i get this right-
1 external server does the search and says "show blah blah"
2 my internal server already has a shp as base layer showing all the
geocoded points. i simply create another dbf, do a join and overlay that to
show "blah blah"? (didn't quite get symbolic link. join?)

can a smart wms also help here?

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