map a search: best strategy?

John Smith jayzee.smith at GMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 5 09:10:10 PST 2006

On 12/4/06, Hal Mueller <hal at> wrote:
> There's no real notion of a JOIN in Shapefiles.  You have to copy the
> geometry files and generate a new .DBF file.  A cheaper way to do
> that, though, is to use a symbolic link instead of a completely new
> copy, for each of the geometry files.

i searched the website- didn't get anywhere with symbolic link. anyway
what's the fastest join- csv? dbf? xml? ? if xml i'd use the gmaps way- 1
search database 2 results as xml 3 read xml with ajax and 4 show points.

about wms- since wms can filter data, maybe i'd set one up that filters
based on the results? big maybe ;)

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