Can I simply change UNITS and EXTENT in PROJECTION? mark at DEBLOIS.NL
Thu Dec 7 01:37:45 PST 2006

Hi all!

My mapfile successfully outputs a map in Winkel Triple projection using
the parameters below. Extent BBOX units are in meters as this is what the
projection seems to output.
What I would like to do is change the units to DD and set the EXTENT to
-180 -90 180 90 (world view DD) but when I do so I get an empty map. Can
anyone tell me if what I am trying is possible? And if so what I am
missing (perhaps the obvious)?!

Thanks for your help.


# this is what I'd like it to be in  "units dd"

SIZE 600 400
EXTENT -20000000 -11000000 20000000 11000000
# this is what I'd like it to be in EXTENT -180 -90 180 90

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