alpha transparency and querymap

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Dec 13 12:28:06 PST 2006

My guess is it's a bug in the querymap code. On occasion developers will
the main drawing code and forget about that other path.

Tell me more about your setup (PHP,CGI or ?, what type of querymap?).
There may
be a workaround (almost always is) using standard maps...


>>> Jim White <jbw2003 at EARTHLINK.NET> 12/12/06 9:19 PM >>>
I am having a continuing problem using alpha transparency and querymap. 
I want to display my map in true color, so have set imagemode to rgba. 
Additionally, I have defined a hatch-lines symbol that I want to display

in transparent mode. I am using the queryByIndex method  to select the 
items to display in the layer. I have tried many combinations, but still

get a white background behind the hatch-lines instead of the background

Will appreciate any help to find a fix or to determine whether this is a

bug in querymap.



Jim White
Biodiversity and Spatial Information Center
North Carolina State University

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