dynamic layers and DescribeCoverage requests
ara.t.howard at NOAA.GOV
Sat Dec 16 08:07:28 PST 2006
hi all-
few newb questions:
1) i'm adding a dynamic layer via mapscript/php using this code:
$oMap = ms_newMapobj("/data/ut_night_mosaics.map");
$oLayer = ms_newLayerObj ($oMap);
$oLayer->set('name', 'foo');
$oLayer->setProcessing ("SCALE_1=0,63");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_description" , "F152003 11 28 mosaic");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_name" , "mosaic");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_label" , "vis_mosaic");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("ows_srs" , "EPSG:4326");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("ows_extent" , "-180 -75 180 75");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_resolution" , "0.00833333 -0.00833333");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bandcount" , "1");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_formats" , "GEOTIFF");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_nativeformat" , "8-bit GeoTIF");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_rangeset_name" , "vis_mosaic");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_rangeset_label" , "vis");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_rangeset_axes" , "bands");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bands_name" , "bands");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bands_semantic" , "http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/dmsp/");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bands_refSys" , "European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bands_label" , "F152003");
$oLayer->setMetaData ("wcs_bands_values" , "VIS");
$oLayer->set('status', MS_OFF);
$oLayer->set('dump', MS_TRUE);
$oLayer->set('data', "F1520061123.nt.d.OIS.vis.mos");
$oLayer->set('dump', MS_LAYER_RASTER);
$oLayer->setProjection ("init=epsg:4326");
$contenttype = ms_iostripstdoutbuffercontenttype();
header("Content-Type: $contenttype");
this works fine: i can make wcs requests for the 'foo' layer. however, a
DescribeCoverage request does not seem to pick up on the dynamic layer via
owsdispatch. what else should i look into doing?
2) there are compile time limits (default 200 i think) in our version of map
server which limit the number of layer in a mapfile, which need to exceed by a
fair bit. my initial tests seems to show that dyamic layers avoid these
limits. is this a correct assumption?
3) what's the CamelCase vs snake_case ruls in map script. eg
ms_iogetStdoutBufferBytes not ms_iogetstdoutbufferbytes
ms_iosethandlers not ms_ioSetHandlers
etc. does the naming scheme relate to c call mapping? or is it arbitrary?
4) the docs aren't exactly think for wcs related questions. i'm fine reading
sources instead. which sources would be reccomended?
kind regards.
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