Changing Output Projection

Bill Thoen bthoen at GISNET.COM
Thu Dec 21 13:48:46 PST 2006

Well,  that was easy! Thanks!

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Bill Thoen wrote:
>> I'm pulling a polygon layer from Postgis and displaying it in 
>> MapServer, but I can't seem to change the output projection. The 
>> polygon layer's native coordinate system is WGS84, and when I check 
>> MapServer with th e-v switch it says it supports PROJ. The 
>> unprojected map displays fine if I use decimal degrees, but it seems 
>> to be ignoring my PROJECTION settings the map file. Can someone tell 
>> me what's wrong? Here's the map file:
> Bill,
> I believe the problem is that you are declaring the layer data to be 
> UTM too.
> The PROJECTION definition on the layer should be the source coordinate 
> system
> while the PROJECTION definition on the map should be the desired output
> projection.  So change the layer to
>   "+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84"

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